Source code for gscpy.out_l_export.out_l_gdal

#!/usr/bin/env python

# MODULE:      i.dr.import
# AUTHOR(S):   Ismail Baris
# PURPOSE:     Exports GRASS raster maps from a selection into GDAL supported formats.
# COPYRIGHT:   (C) Ismail Baris and Nils von Norsinski
#              This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#              License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#              for details.

#% description: Exports GRASS raster maps from a selection into GDAL supported formats.
#% keyword: raster
#% keyword: export
#% keyword: list

# Input Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: i
#% description: Ignore case.
#% guisection: Input

#% key: type
#% required: yes
#% description: Datatype.
#% answer: raster
#% options: raster, raster_3d, vector, label, region, group, all
#%guisection: Input

#% key: pattern
#% required: no
#% description: The pattern of file names.
#% guisection: Input

#% key: exclude
#% required: no
#% description: Which files or pattern should be excluded?.
#% guisection: Input

#% key: mapset
#% required: no
#% description: Name of mapset to list (default: current search path).
#% guisection: Input

#% key: region
#% required: no
#% description: Name of saved region for map search (default: not restricted).
#% guisection: Input

# Output Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: outdir
#% description: The directory where the files will be downloaded.
#% required: yes
#%guisection: Output

#% key: x
#% description: Consider output name as suffix. Otherwise it is considered as prefix.
#% guisection: Output

#% key: output
#% required: no
#% description: Name for output raster file.
#%guisection: Output

#% key: createopt
#% required: no
#% description:Creation option(s) to pass to the output format driver.
#%guisection: Output

#% key: metaopt
#% required: no
#% description:Metadata key(s) and value(s) to include.
#%guisection: Output

#% key: nodata
#% required: no
#% type: integer
#% description: Assign a specified nodata value to output bands.
#%guisection: Output

# Optional Section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: p
#% description: Print the detected files and exit.
#% guisection: Optional

import os
import sys

    import grass.script as gs
    from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("You have to install GRASS GIS to run this program.")

    from osgeo import gdal, osr
except ImportError as e:
    gs.fatal(_("Flag -r requires GDAL library: {}").format(e))

    raise ImportError("You have to install GRASS GIS to run this program.")

[docs]class OutLGdal(object): """ Exports GRASS raster maps from a selection into GDAL supported formats. Parameters ---------- type : {'raster', 'raster_3d', 'vector', 'label', 'region', 'group', 'all'} Data type(s). outdir : str The directory to write the final files to. pattern : str, optional The pattern of file names. exclude : str, optional Which files or patterns should be excluded? mapset : str, optional Name of mapset to list (default: current search path); '*' for all mapsets in location. region : str, optional Name of saved region for map search (default: not restricted); '*' for default region output : str, optional Suffix or prefix to the filename (see parameter suffix. createopt : str, optional Creation option(s) to pass to the output format driver. metaopt : str, optional Metadata key(s) and value(s) to include nodata : float, optional Assign a specified nodata value to output bands suffix : bool, optional If True, the parameter output is used as suffix. If False (Default) it will be used as prefix. Attributes ---------- lkwargs : dict Attributes for g.list module. ekwargs : dict Attributes for out.gdal module. Methods ------- list_files(i=False, r=False, e=False, t=False, m=False, f=False) List ass detected files. Note, that only flag i works! export_files(files) Export all detected files. print_products() Print all detected files. Examples -------- The general usage is :: $ out.l.gdal [-i-x-p] type=string outdir=string [pattern=string] [exclude=string] [mapset=string] [region=string] [output=string] [createopt=string] [nodata=float] [--verbose] [--quiet] List raster files that ends with 'tempmean' from current mapset to a directory :: $ out.l.gdal -p type=raster outdir=/home/user/data pattern=*tempmean Export raster files that ends with 'tempmean' from current mapset to a directory :: $ out.l.gdal type=raster outdir=/home/user/data pattern=*tempmean Export raster files that ends with 'tempmean' from current mapset to a directory and add the suffix '_export' to them:: $ out.l.gdal -x type=raster outdir=/home/user/data pattern=*tempmean output=_export Export all raster files :: $ out.l.gdal type=raster outdir=/home/user/data Notes ----- Note, it is important for the parameter `pattern` that the asterisk('*') contains a dot (see examples). **Flags:** * x : Consider output name as suffix. Otherwise it is considered as prefix. * i : Ignore case. * p : Print the detected files and exit. """ def __init__(self, type, outdir, pattern=None, exclude=None, mapset=None, region=None, output=None, createopt=None, metaopt=None, nodata=None, suffix=False): # Initialize Directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) else: self.outdir = outdir # Create Pattern and find files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.type = type self.exclude = exclude self.mapset = mapset self.region = region self.format = 'GTiff' self.output = output self.createopt = createopt self.metaopt = metaopt self.nodata = nodata self.suffix = suffix list_input_parameter = [pattern, exclude, mapset, region] __LIST_KEYS__ = ["pattern", "exclude", "mapset", "region"] self.lkwargs = {} for i, item in enumerate(list_input_parameter): if item is not None: self.lkwargs[__LIST_KEYS__[i]] = item export_input_parameter = [createopt, metaopt, nodata] __EXPORT_KEYS__ = ["createopt", "metaopt", "nodata"] self.ekwargs = {} for i, item in enumerate(export_input_parameter): if item is not None: self.ekwargs[__EXPORT_KEYS__[i]] = item # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def list_files(self, i=False, r=False, e=False, t=False, m=False, f=False): raw_files = self.__list_files(i, r, e, t, m, f) files = list() for item in raw_files.keys(): files.append(item.encode("utf-8")) if files is []: gs.message(_('No files detected.')) return return files
def export_files(self, files): for file in files: if self.output is None: output = os.path.join(self.outdir, file + '.tif') else: if self.suffix: output = os.path.join(self.outdir, file + self.output + '.tif') else: output = os.path.join(self.outdir, self.output + file + '.tif') self.__export_list(file, output)
[docs] def print_products(self, files): """ Print all detected files. Returns ------- None """ for f in files: sys.stdout.write( 'Detected File <{0}> {1}'.format(str(f), os.linesep))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __list_files(self, i=False, r=False, e=False, t=False, m=False, f=False): module = "g.list" flag = '' flag_list = [i, r, e, t, m, f] __FLAG__ = ["i", "r", "e", "t", "m", "f"] for i, item in enumerate(flag_list): if item: flag += __FLAG__[i] try: return gs.parse_command(module, flags=flag, type=self.type, **self.lkwargs) except CalledModuleError as e: pass def __export_list(self, filename, output): module = 'r.out.gdal' try: gs.run_command(module, input=filename, output=output, **self.ekwargs) except CalledModuleError as e: pass
def change_dict_value(dictionary, old_value, new_value): """ Change a certain value from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Input dictionary. old_value : str, NoneType, bool The value to be changed. new_value : str, NoneType, bool Replace value. Returns ------- dict """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == old_value: dictionary[key] = new_value return dictionary def main(): exporter = OutLGdal(type=options['type'], outdir=options['outdir'], pattern=options['pattern'], exclude=options['exclude'], mapset=options['mapset'], region=options['region'], output=options['output'], createopt=options['createopt'], metaopt=options['metaopt'], nodata=options['nodata'], suffix=flags['x']) files = exporter.list_files(i=flags['i']) if flags['p']: exporter.print_products(files) return 0 exporter.export_files(files) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = gs.parser() options = change_dict_value(options, '', None) sys.exit(main())