Source code for gscpy.i_script

#!/usr/bin/env python

# MODULE:       i.script
# AUTHOR(S):    Ismail Baris
# PURPOSE:      Import Scripts from a package to GRASS GIS. Maybe requires sudo.
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) Ismail Baris and Nils von Norsinski
#               This program is free software under the GNU General
#               Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
#               comes with GRASS for details.

#% description: Import Scripts from a package to GRASS GIS.
#% keyword: script
#% keyword: auxiliary
#% keyword: import

# Input Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: input_dir
#% description: Directory of python files.
#% required: yes
#%guisection: Input

#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: export_path
#% description: Script directory of GRASS GIS (automatically in Linux systems).
#% required: no
#%guisection: Input

# Filter Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: pattern
#% description: The pattern of file names.
#% guisection: Filter

#% key: exclusion
#% description: Which files or pattern should be excluded?.
#% guisection: Filter

# Optional Section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: p
#% description: Print the detected files and exit.
#% guisection: Optional

#% key: r
#% description: Replace script.
#% guisection: Optional

import os
import re
import shutil
import sys

    import grass.script as gs
except ImportError:

[docs]class Grassify(object): """ Import Scripts from a package to GRASS GIS. This class will copy any suitable python file like '' into the GRASS script folder without the '.py' extension and changes the name to 'i.dr.import'. This class will exclude such files like '' or ''. For more exclusions the parameter `exclusion` can be used. Parameters ---------- input_dir : str Directory of python files export_path : str, optional Script directory of GRASS GIS (automatically in Linux systems). pattern : str, optional The pattern of file names. exclusion : str Which files or pattern should be excluded?. Attributes ---------- extension : list A list which contains all supported GRASS GIS candidates. exclusion : str import_path : str Dir parameter. export_path : str filter_p : str Combines pattern and extension. files : list All detected files. Methods ------- copy(replace=False) Copy files. print_products() Print all detected files. Examples -------- The general usage is :: $ i.script [-r-p] input_dir=string [pattern=string] [exclusion=string] [export_path=string] [--verbose] [--quiet] Import all suitable python files from a directory into the GRASS script folder :: $ i.script input_dir=/home/user/package Import all suitable python files from a directory into the GRASS script folder and exclude all files that include the string 'test' :: $ i.script input_dir=/home/user/package exclude=test.* Note ---- This class copies all files and replaces all '_' with '.'. Notes ----- **Flags:** * r : Overwrite file if it is existent **(be careful padawan!)** * p : Print the detected files and exit. """ def __init__(self, input_dir, export_path=None, pattern=None, exclusion=None): # Self Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.extension = '.py' self.candidates = ['grass70', 'grass71', 'grass72', 'grass73', 'grass74'] if exclusion is None: self.exclusion = ['', '', '', '', ''] else: self.exclusion = exclusion # Initialize Directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(input_dir): gs.fatal(_('Input directory <{0}> not exists').format(input_dir)) else: self.import_path = input_dir # < Try to find the script directory of GRASS GIS > ------------ if export_path is None: for item in self.candidates: export_path = '/usr/lib/' + item + '/scripts' if os.path.exists(export_path): self.export_path = export_path elif export_path is not None: if not os.path.exists(export_path): os.makedirs(export_path) self.export_path = export_path # Create Pattern and find files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if pattern is None: filter_p = '.*' + self.extension else: filter_p = pattern gs.debug('Filter: {}'.format(filter_p), 1) self.files = self.__filter(filter_p) if self.files is []: gs.message(_('No files detected. Note, that must be a point for * like: pattern = str.* ')) return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy(self, replace=False): filename = [os.path.basename(item) for item in self.files] filename_split = [os.path.splitext(item) for item in filename] for i in range(len(filename_split)): old_name = self.files[i] base = filename_split[i][0] base = base.replace('_', '.') new_name = os.path.join(self.export_path, base) if not os.path.exists(new_name) or replace: shutil.copy(old_name, new_name) elif not replace and os.path.exists(new_name): pass # gs.fatal(_('Script <{0}> exists. Try to set the replace flag').format(base)) return 0
[docs] def print_products(self): for f in self.files: sys.stdout.write('Detected Files <{0}> {1}'.format(f, os.linesep))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __filter(self, filter_p): pattern = re.compile(filter_p) files = [] for rec in os.walk(self.import_path): if not rec[-1]: continue match = filter(pattern.match, rec[-1]) if match is None: continue for f in match: if f in self.exclusion: pass elif f.endswith(self.extension): files.append(os.path.join(rec[0], f)) else: pass return files
def change_dict_value(dictionary, old_value, new_value): """ Change a certain value from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Input dictionary. old_value : str, NoneType, bool The value to be changed. new_value : str, NoneType, bool Replace value. Returns ------- dict """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == old_value: dictionary[key] = new_value return dictionary def main(): grassify = Grassify(options['input_dir'], export_path=options['export_path'], pattern=options['pattern'], exclusion=options['exclusion']) if flags['p']: grassify.print_products() return 0 grassify.copy(replace=flags['r']) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = gs.parser() options = change_dict_value(options, '', None) sys.exit(main()) files = ["/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/ds1_download/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/pr_geocode/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/i_import/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/i_import/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/g_db/", "/home/ibaris/Dropbox/Dropbox/GitHub/gscpy/gscpy/g_db/"]