Source code for gscpy.ds1_download.ds1_download

#!/usr/bin/env python

# AUTHOR(S):    Nils von Norsinski, Ismail Baris
# PURPOSE:      Download Sentinel Data.
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) Ismail Baris and Nils von Norsinski
#               This program is free software under the GNU General
#               Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
#               comes with GRASS for details.

#% description: Download Sentinel Data
#% keyword: imagery
#% keyword: satellite
#% keyword: Sentinel
#% keyword: download

# Input Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: username
#% description: Username for Copernicus Open Acces Hub.
#% required: yes
#%guisection: User

#% key: password
#% description:  Password for Copernicus Open Access Hub.
#% required: yes
#%guisection: User

# Output Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: outdir
#% description: The directory where the files will be downloaded.
#% required: yes
#%guisection: Output

# Subset Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
#% key: region
#% type: string
#% description: Choose geojson file to define the observation area.
#%guisection: Region

# Time Section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: timestart
#% description: Starting time of observation period (YYYY-MM-DD).
#% required: yes
#%guisection: Time

#% key: timeend
#% description: End time of observation period (YYYY-MM-DD).
#% required: yes
#%guisection: Time

# Sensor Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: polarisationmode
#% required: no
#% multiple: yes
#% description: Choose the polarisationmode (Default is all).
#%guisection: Sensor

# Orbit Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: orbitnumber
#% type: integer
#% required: no
#% description: Choose the orbitnumber.
#%guisection: Orbit

#% key: orbitdirection
#% required: no
#% description: Choose a orbit direction.
#% answer: ALL
#%guisection: Orbit

# Product Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: producttype
#% answer: All
#% options: All, SLC, GRD, OCN, RAW
#% description: Choose the product type.
#%guisection: Product

#% key: sensoroperationalmode
#% required: no
#% answer: All
#% options: All, SM, IW, EW, WV
#% description: Choose the sensoroperationalmode.
#%guisection: Product

# Optional Section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: p
#% description: Print the detected files and exit.
#% guisection: Optional

import os
import sys

    import grass.script as gs
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("You have to install GRASS GIS to run this program.")

from sentinelsat.sentinel import SentinelAPI, read_geojson, geojson_to_wkt

[docs]class S1Download(object): """ This module makes searching, downloading and retrieving metadata of Sentinel-1 satellite images from the Copernicus Open Access Hub easy. Parameters ---------- username : str Username for Copernicus Open Access Hub password : str Password for Copernicus Open Access Hub region : str A geojson file. timestart : str Start time like "YYYY-MM-DD" timeend : str End time like "YYYY-MM-DD". outdir : str Output directory. producttype : {'SLC', 'GRD', 'OCN', ''RAW} Product type. If None, all types will be recognized. polarisationmode tuple or str A combination of V and H like ('VH', 'HV') or simple 'VH'. sensoroperationalmode : {'SM', 'IW', 'EW', 'WV'} Sensor operational mode. If None, all types will be recognized. orbitnumber : int Orbit number orbitdirection : {DESCENDING, ASCENDING} Orbit direction. If None, all types will be recognized. Attributes ---------- api : object Sentinelsat API object. outdir : str region : wkt A geojson to WKT object. kwargs : dict Dictionary with setted attributes. files : DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with detected files. Methods ------- download() Download all files. print_products() Print all detected files. Examples -------- The general usage is :: $ [-p] username=string password=string region=string timestart=string timeend=string outdir=sting [*attributes=string] [--verbose] [--quiet] For *attributes the following parameters can be used :: >>> ["producttype", "polarisationmode", "sensoroperationalmode", "orbitnumber", "orbitdirection"] Print all Sentinel 1 data with product type GRD between 2015-01-02 and 2015-01-12:: $ -p username=USER password=PASSWORD region=myGEoJsOnFile.geojson timestart=2015-01-02 timeend=2015-01-12 outdir='home/usr/data' producttype=SLC Download the last query :: $ username=USER password=PASSWORD region=myGEoJsOnFile.geojson timestart=2015-01-02 timeend=2015-01-12 outdir='home/usr/data' producttype=SLC Notes ----- **Flags:** * p : Print the detected files and exit. """ def __init__(self, username, password, region, timestart, timeend, outdir, producttype=None, polarisationmode=None, sensoroperationalmode=None, orbitnumber=None, orbitdirection=None): # Inititalise Sentinel Python API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.api = SentinelAPI(username, password, '') # Initialize Directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) else: self.outdir = outdir # Initialise Mandatory Parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.region = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(region)) # < Reformat Time > ------------ timestart_split = timestart.split('-') timestart_temp = '' for item in timestart_split: timestart_temp += item timeend_split = timeend.split('-') timeend_temp = '' for item in timeend_split: timeend_temp += item = (timestart_temp, timeend_temp) # Initialize Attributes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- input_parameter = [producttype, polarisationmode, sensoroperationalmode, orbitnumber, orbitdirection] __KEYS__ = ["producttype", "polarisationmode", "sensoroperationalmode", "orbitnumber", "orbitdirection"] self.kwargs = {} for i, item in enumerate(input_parameter): if item is not None: self.kwargs[__KEYS__[i]] = item # Inititalise Sentinel Producs with API ------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.products = self.api.query(self.region,, platformname='Sentinel-1', **self.kwargs) self.files = self.api.to_dataframe(self.products)
[docs] def download(self): self.api.download_all(self.products, directory_path=self.outdir) return 0
[docs] def print_products(self): """ Print all detected files. Returns ------- None """ df = self.files.to_string() sys.stdout.write(df)
def change_dict_value(dictionary, old_value, new_value): """ Change a certain value from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Input dictionary. old_value : str, NoneType, bool The value to be changed. new_value : str, NoneType, bool Replace value. Returns ------- dict """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == old_value: dictionary[key] = new_value return dictionary def tuple_multi_string(dictionary, sep=','): """ Convert values like 'a, b' to ('a', 'b'). Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Input dictionary. sep : str Seperator Returns ------- dict """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): value_split = value.split(sep) if len(value_split) == 1 or len(value_split) == 0: pass else: dictionary[key] = tuple(value_split) return dictionary def main(): region = os.path.normpath(options['region']) region = region.split("\\") regs = "" for i in region: regs = regs + i + "\\" + "\\" regs = regs[:-2] options['region'] = regs downloader = S1Download(username=options['username'], password=options['password'], region=options['region'], timestart=options['timestart'], timeend=options['timeend'], outdir=options['outdir'], producttype=options['producttype'], polarisationmode=options['polarisationmode'], sensoroperationalmode=options['sensoroperationalmode'], orbitnumber=options['orbitnumber'], orbitdirection=options['orbitdirection']) if flags['p']: downloader.print_products() return 0 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = gs.parser() options = tuple_multi_string(options) options = change_dict_value(options, '', None) options = change_dict_value(options, 'ALL', None) options = change_dict_value(options, 'All', None) sys.exit(main())