Source code for gscpy.pr_geocode.pr_geocode

#!/usr/bin/env python

# MODULE:       pr.geocode
# AUTHOR(S):    Ismail Baris
# PURPOSE:      Wrapper function for geocoding SAR images pyroSAR.
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) Ismail Baris and Nils von Norsinski
#               This program is free software under the GNU General
#               Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
#               comes with GRASS for details.

#% description: Wrapper function for geocoding SAR images using ESA SNAP.
#% keyword: processing
#% keyword: sar
#% keyword: sentinel 1

# Input Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: input_dir
#% multiple: no
#% description: The directory where the files are located.
#%guisection: Input

#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
#% key: t_srs_file
#% multiple: no
#% required: no
#% description: Using a georeferenced raster or vector file:
#%guisection: Input

#% key: t_srs
#% required: no
#% type: integer
#% multiple: no
#% description: A target geographic reference system in EPSG:
#%guisection: Input

#% key: geocoding_type
#% type: string
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% answer: Range-Doppler
#% options: Range-Doppler, Cross-Correlation
#% description: The type of geocoding applied:
#% guisection: Input

# Output Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: outdir
#% required: yes
#% multiple: no
#% description: The directory to write the final files to:
#%guisection: Output

#% key: resolution_value
#% type: double
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% description: Resolution of output raster map:
#% guisection: Output

#% key: scaling
#% type: string
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% answer: dB
#% options: dB,linear
#% description: Should the output be in linear or decibel scaling?:
#% guisection: Output

# Subset Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: offset
#% type: integer
#% required: no
#% multiple: yes
#% description: Integers defining offsets for left, right, top and bottom in pixels, e.g. 100, 100, 0, 0:
#% guisection: Subset

#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
#% key: shapefile
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% description: A vector geometry for subsetting the SAR scene to a test site:
#%guisection: Subset

# Filter Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: pattern
#% description: The pattern of file names.
#% guisection: Filter

#% key: polarizations
#% type: string
#% required: no
#% multiple: yes
#% description: The polarizations to be processed (Default is 'all'):
#% guisection: Filter

# DEM Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: e
#% description: Apply Earth Gravitational Model to external DEM?
#% guisection: DEM

#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
#% key: external_dem_file
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% description: The absolute path to an external DEM file:
#%guisection: DEM

#% key: external_dem_nan
#% type: integer
#% required: no
#% multiple: no
#% description: The no data value of the external DEM:
#% guisection: DEM

# Auto Import Section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: i
#% description: Import processed files in a mapset.
#% guisection: Import

#% key: r
#% description: Reproject raster data (using r.import if needed).
#% guisection: Import

#% key: l
#% description: Link raster data instead of importing.
#% guisection: Import

#% key: pattern
#% description: The pattern of file names.
#% guisection: Import

# Mapset Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: c
#% description: Create a new mapset.
#% guisection: Mapset

#% key: mapset
#% required: no
#% type: string
#% multiple: no
#% description: Name of mapset.
#%guisection: Mapset

#% key: location
#% type: string
#% multiple: no
#% required: no
#% description: Location name (not location path).
#%guisection: Mapset

#%option G_OPT_M_DIR
#% key: dbase
#% multiple: no
#% required: no
#% description: GRASS GIS database directory.
#%guisection: Mapset

# Optional Section -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#% key: p
#% description: Print the detected files and exit.
#% guisection: Optional

#% key: t
#% description: Write only the workflow in xml file
#% guisection: Optional

#% key: b
#% description: Enables removal of S1 GRD border noise
#% guisection: Optional

import datetime as dt
import os
import re
import sys

from pyroSAR.snap.util import geocode

    import grass.script as gs
    from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("You have to install GRASS GIS to run this program.")

    from osgeo import gdal, osr
except ImportError as e:
    gs.fatal(_("Parameter t_srs_from_file requires GDAL library: {}").format(e))

    raise ImportError("You have to install GRASS GIS to run this program.")

[docs]class Geocode(object): """ Wrapper function for geocoding SAR images using pyroSAR. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str Directory where the Sentinel-Data is. outdir: str The directory to write the final files to. t_srs: int, str or osr.SpatialReference A target geographic reference system in WKT, EPSG, PROJ4 or OPENGIS format. See function :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert()` for details. Default: `4326 <>`_. resolution_value: int or float, optional The target resolution in meters. Default is 20 polarizations: list or {'VV', 'HH', 'VH', 'HV', 'all'}, optional The polarizations to be processed; can be a string for a single polarization e.g. 'VV' or a list of several polarizations e.g. ['VV', 'VH']. Default is 'all'. shapefile: str or :py:class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector`, optional A vector geometry for subsetting the SAR scene to a test site. Default is None. scaling: {'dB', 'db', 'linear'}, optional Should the output be in linear or decibel scaling? Default is 'dB'. geocoding_type: {'Range-Doppler', 'SAR simulation cross correlation'}, optional The type of geocoding applied; can be either 'Range-Doppler' (default) or 'SAR simulation cross correlation' removeS1BoderNoise: bool, optional Enables removal of S1 GRD border noise (default). offset: tuple, optional A tuple defining offsets for left, right, top and bottom in pixels, e.g. (100, 100, 0, 0); this variable is overridden if a shapefile is defined. Default is None. external_dem_file: str or None, optional The absolute path to an external DEM file. Default is None. external_dem_nan: int, float or None, optional The no data value of the external DEM. If not specified (default) the function will try to read it from the specified external DEM. externalDEMApplyEGM: bool, optional Apply Earth Gravitational Model to external DEM? Default is True. basename_extensions: list of str names of additional parameters to append to the basename, e.g. ['orbitNumber_rel'] test: bool, optional If set to True the workflow xml file is only written and not executed. Default is False. Attributes ---------- files : list All detected files. Methods ------- geocode() Start the geocoding process. import_products(pattern=None, mapset=None, dbase=None, location=None, flags=None) Import detected files. print_products() Print all detected files. Examples -------- The general usage is :: $ pr.geocode [-e -i -r -l -c -p -t -b] input_dir=string outdir=string [pattern=string] [t_srs=string] [t_srs_from_file=string] [resolution_value=integer] [polarizations=string] [shapefile=string] [scaling=string] [geocoding_type=string] [offset=string] [external_dem_file=string] [external_dem_nan=integer] [basename_extensions=string] [mapset=string] [dbase=string] [location=string] [--verbose] [--quiet] Import Sentinel 1A files geocode and import them in current mapset and reproject it :: $ pr.geocode -r input_dir=/home/user/data outdir=/home/user/data/processed t_srs=43265 Import Sentinel 1A files geocode and import them in a new mapset within another GRASS GIS database :: $ pr.geocode -r input_dir=/home/user/data outdir=/home/user/data/processed t_srs=43265 mapset=Goettingen dbase=/home/user/grassdata/germany Note ---- If only one polarization is selected the results are directly written to GeoTiff. Otherwise the results are first written to a folder containing ENVI files and then transformed to GeoTiff files (one for each polarization). If GeoTiff would directly be selected as output format for multiple polarizations then a multilayer GeoTiff is written by SNAP which is an unfavorable format Notes ----- **Flags:** * e : Apply Earth Gravitational Model to external DEM. * i : Import processed files in a mapset. * r : Reproject raster data (using r.import if needed). * l : Link raster data instead of importing. * c : Create a new mapset. * p : Print the detected files and exit. * t : Write only the workflow in xml file * b : Enables removal of S1 GRD border noise. """ def __init__(self, input_dir, outdir, pattern=None, t_srs=None, t_srs_from_file=None, resolution_value=20, polarizations='all', shapefile=None, scaling='dB', geocoding_type='Range-Doppler', removeS1BoderNoise=True, offset=None, external_dem_file=None, external_dem_nan=None, externalDEMApplyEGM=True, basename_extensions=None, test=False, verbose=False): # Check Georeference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if t_srs is None and t_srs_from_file is None: raise ValueError("A EPSG code (t_srs) or a geocoded file (t_srs_from_file) must be defined.") elif t_srs is not None and t_srs_from_file is not None: raise ValueError("Parameter t_srs AND A t_srs_from_file are defined. EPSG code OR a geocoded " "file must be defined.") else: if t_srs is not None: self.t_srs = int(t_srs) else: self.t_srs = None if t_srs_from_file is not None: if not os.path.exists(t_srs_from_file): raise ValueError("File <{0}> does not exist".format(t_srs_from_file)) else: self.t_srs_from_file = t_srs_from_file self.t_srs = self.__raster_epsg(self.t_srs_from_file) else: self.t_srs_from_file = None # Initialize Directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- self._dir_list = [] if not os.path.exists(input_dir): gs.fatal(_('Input directory <{}> not exists').format(input_dir)) else: self.input_dir = input_dir if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) else: self.outdir = outdir # Create Pattern and find files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.extension = '.zip' if pattern: filter_p = pattern + self.extension else: filter_p = r'.*.' + self.extension self.filter_p = filter_p gs.debug('Filter: {}'.format(filter_p), 1) self.files = self.__filter(filter_p) # Self definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.t_srs = t_srs self.resolution_value = resolution_value self.polarizations = polarizations self.shapefile = shapefile self.scaling = scaling self.geocoding_type = geocoding_type self.removeS1BoderNoise = removeS1BoderNoise self.offset = offset self.external_dem_file = external_dem_file self.external_dem_nan = external_dem_nan self.externalDEMApplyEGM = externalDEMApplyEGM self.basename_extensions = basename_extensions self.test = test self.verbose = verbose # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def geocode(self): """ Start the geocode process. Returns ------- None """ for infile in self.files: sys.stdout.write('Start Time: {0} ----'.format(dt.datetime.utcnow().__str__())) sys.stdout.write('Start Processing File: <{0}> {1}'.format(str(os.path.basename(infile)), os.linesep)) geocode(infile, self.outdir, t_srs=self.t_srs, tr=self.resolution_value, polarizations=self.polarizations, shapefile=self.shapefile, scaling=self.scaling, geocoding_type=self.geocoding_type, removeS1BoderNoise=self.removeS1BoderNoise, offset=self.offset, externalDEMFile=self.external_dem_file, externalDEMNoDataValue=self.external_dem_nan, externalDEMApplyEGM=self.externalDEMApplyEGM, test=self.test) sys.stdout.write('End Time: {0} ----'.format(dt.datetime.utcnow().__str__())) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def import_products(self, pattern=None, mapset=None, dbase=None, location=None, flags=None): """ Import all detected files in a mapset. Parameters ---------- pattern : str, optional The pattern of file names. If not specified all files with selected extension will be imported. mapset : str, optional Name of mapset. dbase : str, optional Location of GRASS GIS database mapset : str, optional Name of the mapset that will be created. flags : str Available flags are '-c-r-l' Returns ------- None """ args = {'input': self.outdir, 'extension': 'GEOTIFF'} if pattern: args['pattern'] = pattern else: args['pattern'] = '' if mapset: args['mapset'] = mapset else: args['mapset'] = '' if dbase: args['dbase'] = dbase else: args['dbase'] = '' if location: args['location'] = location else: args['location'] = '' if flags: pass else: flags = '' module = 'i.dr.import' try: gs.run_command(module, flags=flags, input_dir=self.outdir, **args) except CalledModuleError as e: pass
[docs] def print_products(self): """ Print all detected files. Returns ------- None """ for f in self.files: sys.stdout.write('Detected File <{0}> {1}'.format(str(f), os.linesep))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __filter(self, filter_p): pattern = re.compile(filter_p) files = [] for rec in os.walk(self.input_dir): if not rec[-1]: continue match = filter(pattern.match, rec[-1]) if match is None: continue for f in match: if f.endswith(self.extension): files.append(os.path.join(rec[0], f)) return files def __raster_epsg(self, filename): dsn = gdal.Open(filename) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(dsn.GetProjectionRef()) ret = srs.GetAuthorityCode(None) dsn = None return ret
def change_dict_value(dictionary, old_value, new_value): """ Change a certain value from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Input dictionary. old_value : str, NoneType, bool The value to be changed. new_value : str, NoneType, bool Replace value. Returns ------- dict """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == old_value: dictionary[key] = new_value return dictionary def main(): if options['t_srs'] is None: options['t_srs'] = 4326 else: options['t_srs'] = int(options['t_srs']) if options['resolution_value'] is None: options['resolution_value'] = 20 if options['geocoding_type'] is 'Cross-Correlation': options['geocoding_type'] = 'SAR simulation cross correlation' if options['polarizations'] is None: options['polarizations'] = 'all' if options['offset'] is not None: offset_list = options['offset'].split(',') offset_list = [int(item) for item in offset_list] options['offset'] = tuple(offset_list) pp_geocode = Geocode(input_dir=options['input_dir'], outdir=options['outdir'], pattern=options['pattern'], t_srs=options['t_srs'], resolution_value=options['resolution_value'], polarizations=options['polarizations'], shapefile=options['shapefile'], scaling=options['scaling'], geocoding_type=options['geocoding_type'], removeS1BoderNoise=flags['b'], offset=options['offset'], external_dem_file=options['external_dem_file'], external_dem_nan=options['external_dem_nan'], externalDEMApplyEGM=flags['e'], test=flags['t']) if flags['p']: pp_geocode.print_products() return 0 pp_geocode.geocode() if flags['i']: pattern = options['pattern'] mapset = options['mapset'] dbase = options['dbase'] location = options['location'] flag = '' flag_list = ['c', 'r', 'l'] for item in flag_list: if flags[item]: flag += item else: pass pp_geocode.import_products(pattern=pattern, mapset=mapset, dbase=dbase, location=location, flags=flags) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = gs.parser() options = change_dict_value(options, '', None) sys.exit(main())